Excellent transcription! Thank you!

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Thank you Jane, you are very kind. My earnest hopes and prayers are with you in your struggle to overcome the vaccine harm which ha cruelly been inflicted upon you. IIf it can be arranged (no promises) would you consent to recording an interview? Regards Michael Darby 0400 764 197.

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Juicy juicy

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Excellent article! Thank you!

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Thank you, Dr. McCullough, for standing tall, speaking loudly & overcoming virulent abuse from misinformed & malicious individuals whose aim appears to be depopulation.

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His speech arrived at MY doorstep in NOWHERE, USA. I think his purpose was more than fulfilled. Until you can give another perfectly reasonable answer as to why the excess death rate began to climb at the flex point of these jabs, you should stop smearing a man who is in good conscience questioning this world wide medical procedure that wasn’t tested for it’s claim to fame - “safe and effective”. Your smears are beginning to sound more than petty, and especially at the expense of millions of dead and suffering people. Get a conscious. They are free!

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Where would we be without these guys, our heros. Personally I would be quadrupled vax'd by now im sure. You see I believed. Now the question is How is the vax movement so confodent in there protection from prosecution that they continue to promote/force these shots. They must have an escape plan.

IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY work. Who knew, When did they know. Who suppressed it.


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Good on you Shawn, some of the answers are in the Unchain Australia books, offered free to you at www.unchainaustralia.com If you enjoy the books, share. If you can afford to join in as a paid subscriber, you will be very welcome.

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He is absolutely the best!

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Thank you KM Zetlin. Please share my material to your mailing list. All good wishes michael@michaeldarby.net

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So where does this leave non-MRNA vaccines like Novavaxx that have taken a slower, more careful approach to creating a vaccine?

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any similar substacks or info for German only speakers? I want to send it out thanks

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15-20 years ago this would have been as contentious as a third world sterilization population control. Now most partisan minded are too stupid to beleive it!

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Michael: "Since 2021, the vaccines have ravaged the population in the world. Worldwide, two thirds of people took a vaccine."

Recent global data analysis puts the death count from the CVax at 20 million casualities above baseline mortality rates. Sorry cannot give you source file on this analysis--maybe someone else here has it. And this rate does not appear to be significantly slowing down according to former Blackrock data analyst Ed Dowd's investigative work.

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Excellent talk. Love McCullough, but was this really testimony "to The European Parliament" or "in Parliament"? Was it an official hearing of the EP or an official EP committee hearing? Or was it an unofficial (non-Parliament) meeting in a *room* of an EP building? It does not help our side to exaggerate. Just the opposite. Makes it easy for the enemy to discredit the truth.

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It’s a very important distinction. It’s an unofficial meeting in a room in the Europarl building. No mainstream media attended, they never do.

I’m tagged as “Presenting to U.K. parliament” next week, but it’s the same thing, a meeting in what’s called “Strangers Dining Room, as a guest f a parliamentarian, Andrew Bridgen. I doubt any MP, other than Andrew, will be present. No mainstream media. They all already know, MPs, Lords and all main media. I struggle to make sense of holding these meetings. There have been dozens of them around the world. Clearly they are ineffective in awakening new converts. Links won’t even be prevalent on well known social media. Normies won’t watch, because they already “know” it’s a bunch of misinformation superspreaders.

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Yep. The portrayal is innocent on yours and Dr. McCullough's part, but if you look on Rumble or youtube it morphs into titles and descriptions like "Dr. Peter McCullough addresses European Parliament!", typically in all caps with multiple exclamation points. Then you startfinding "Fack Check" articles saying "False: [blah blah blah, smug smug smug]"

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Saturday, 8th July 2023

Contact Report 852


The majority of the world's rulers only have an overly big mouth and only utter stupid and primitive slogans that have neither hand nor foot, but only worthlessness, so that a valuable and lasting peace cannot really and finally be ensured and exist, but instead ..

Also that there are some 18.5 million human beings worldwide who have been outright murdered by these false vaccinations, as Ptaah explained to me, which of course is vehemently denied, because the truth is not meant to be known.

This, just as it should also not be known how many thousands of human beings suffer from vaccine damage for the rest of their lives.

But what I have to say is that all those in power ..





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Thursday, 11th August 2022

Contact Report 816


This is also proven in the case of the Corona epidemic, which is 'fought' with means, lies and empty promises that cause many deaths.

Also the number of deaths due to the Corona virus is set so much lower than what corresponds to the truth as a result of lies.

Our records 6 days ago are known to me in this respect, and they amount to 8,314,088 Earth-humans who have died of the Corona virus, very many of whom have succumbed to death as a result of unsuitable vaccines.

Also, it should be mentioned, our research has shown that various of the Corona vaccines attack the DNA and also cause various types of cancer, as well as damage the nervous system and impair and damage the brain in its functions.



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Saturday, 30th November 2019

Contact Report 728


So all US state officials are to be called state and humanity criminals in the same way and in this respect to be put on the same level as the NAZI empire in the 20th century.

The same principle has always prevailed in China, too, and continues to do so, … (Note FIGU: The origin for the criminal secret research on the Corona virus was a decision dating back to the 1970s.

At that time, the leader of China, Mao Zedong, met with a vengeful American citizen who presented the Chinese party leader with the idea of developing a viral bioweapon, which Mao Zedong then took up and had implemented as a secret matter, which is still being worked on today and from which the Corona virus has now emerged.

This, however, without the current Chinese government being involved in the project in any way or also having the slightest knowledge of it).

In the 1970s, a decision for clandestine research in laboratories was implemented between the Chinese state ruler Mao and an American, which has remained so to this day and is still carried on because hatred literally outlasts generations.




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Totally agree!!

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I'm deeply troubled as many highly capable scientists insist "there is no SARS Cov2. Never isolated, never characterized. Yet Dr Mac continues in his speech as if SARSCov2 DOES exist. Maybe we have to alter Koch's postulates, or the Bradford Hill coordinates. Maybe we'd be excoriated for even suggesting we do those things to established criteria. Do we ever come to grips with the original and new findings of the non-existence of viruses?

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I could not agree more, and scrap all future plans to use the method as well!

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